General Qualities & Characteristics
Mex solube cut is a specially compounded emulsifying cutting oil composed of a petroleum oil and special emulsifiers. It mixes
readily with hot or cold water. It forms homogenous and exceptionally stable emulsions, which show no apparent separation after long
periods of usage or storage. It also incorporates special biocides to increase coolant life and prevent unpleasant odors experienced as
a result to bacterial infection. Meets the specification requirements of IS 1115-1986 and DEF STAN 91323/1(Grade ZX - 1)
Application Requirements: Metal cutting and grinding operations generate heat. The prime requirement, therefore, is to select a
fluid, which will reduce generation and increase dissipation of heat. The effectiveness with which this is accomplished has a direct
bearing on increasing feed, speed, tool life, and improving surface finish. An efficient and economical way to control heat is to use the
excellent cooling properties of water, combined with the lubricating properties of oil. Additionally, an effective cutting and grinding fluid
must contain anticorrosion properties to protect the work piece during the manufacturing process. Another characteristic which
enhances it usefulness is stability, whether in use or in storage. Recommendations Mex soluble cut is preferred choice for grinding
and for machining operations where is of utmost importance. It meets the basic application requirements described above in highly
satisfactory and economical manner. Mex soluble cut is usually diluted to oil/water ratios ranging from 1:10 to 1:60. because there
are so many variables to be considered from job-to-job, it is impractial to make a specific recommendation of optimum oil to water
ratios. However, in general, the richer emulsions are used for the more difficult jobs, the intermediate for the free-machining metals and
the lean mixtures when preparing emulsions of Mex soluble cut, always add oil to water. Stability of the emulsions is enhanced when
it is put through a homogenzation processes.