
Machine Tool way Oils

Premium Way Slide Way Oils
Application :

Mex lubricant's premium way lubes are specially formulated products developed for the lubrication of machine tool ways and slides. These oil are exclusively recommended for machine tools, which have combined hydraulic and way lubrication systems. These oil possess adequate tools, which have combined hydraulic and way lubrication systems. These oil possess adequate lubricity to eliminate stick-slip and chatter under moderate load conditions and at the same time serve as hydraulic media in non-cricital systems.

Performance features & Benefits:

They eliminate stick-slip or table chatter by reducing friction between mating surfaces. Where ways are heavily loaded they provided film strength and excellent EP protection. These PREMIUM WAYLUBES have metal wetting and adhesive agents that enable them to form uniform films that resist squeezing from way surfaces while machine is not in operation. By preventing stick-up, the wear of way surfaces is minimized and their service life is greatly extended.


Packaging Options: Mexicolubes is offered in 26, 50 and 210 Liter & Bulk Supply.